Localligence Spatial Platform (LSP)
Enterprise Data
Enterprise Applications

The primary function of the Localligence Spatial Platform (LSP) is to spatially enable an enterprise's data. As such the LSP server needs access to the various data sets that reside within an enterprise. These data sets could be centrally managed in a single location or distributed over multiple locations - they could even be hosted at the Localligence data center. Either way, this data needs to be accessible to the LSP in order to leverage the benefits of location intelligence.

Illustration: Client application accessing data from multiple locations, with each location connected to a central Localligence Spatial platform server (in green)



Customer data is information that an organization gets about people who visit, pay, buy or otherwise communicate with an enterprise. Spatially enabling this data allows managers to now "see" where their customer's are and either track performance or plan how to better target their customer's with additional products and/or services. Combined with other marketing data, such as demographics and lifestyles, manager's are able to literally "walk' the streets of their customer's and gain a greater understanding of how best to target and serve them.



Sales data refers to addresses that are obtained for lead generation exercises. This data can be purchased from third party vendors, come from field marketers, in-store promotions or other similar activities. As this data generally "costs" a company, it is important that it is cleansed to ensure maximum value from the investment. Data with a valid address allows company's to better target and deliver pinpoint messaging about products and services.



Marketing data is data that helps managers understand the environment of their customer, for example, where they live. This data can be provided free of charge, such as Census data, or purchased from companies that specialize in segmenting people (addresses) into certain profiles or lifestyles. For example, in zip code 12345, 85% of the people are aged between 35 ~ 55, have two cars and a gross household income between $85,000 ~ 110,000. The Localligence Spatial Platform can take this data and, combined with an enterprise's other data sets, provide a more intuitive visualization of a company's existing and prospective customers leading to better and more efficient methods for planning how to sell, service and market products and services.



The Accounting department in any large organization is the one that absolutely must have correct address information - particularly for billing and tracking purposes. Being able to accurately cleanse these addresses and then position them on a map gives this group unparalleled insight into where money is coming and going. Using location intelligence can also help finance departments better track instances of fraud and to raise early warnings when questionable activity is clustered around a specific address or location.



Industry data is critical data that is generally purchased by an enterprise to better understand sales of products and services within their industry. For example, in the automotive industry, Polk Automotive tracks the sales of vehicles across all brands and models. Subscribing to Polk allows a company to better plan their market and product strategies by reviewing what is working or not working in the industry. Another example is Nielsen EDI which tracks movie box office performance which is invaluable information for companies involved in the entertainment industry. By spatially enabling this industry data companies can now gain an even greater understanding of their own product performance as well as that of their competitor's - helping them better plan and respond to market dynamics and trends.

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